
Histories are a really important part of building data. Pyhaystack allows retrieving histories as zinc grid, pandas series or pandas Dataframe depending on your needs.


rng (range) can be one of the following [ref : his_read]

  • “today”
  • “yesterday”
  • “{date}”
  • “{date},{date}”
  • “{dateTime},{dateTime}”
  • “{dateTime}” // anything after given timestamp

Zinc Date and time format

[ref : http://project-haystack.org/doc/Zinc]

  • <date> := YYYY-MM-DD
  • <time> := hh:mm:ss.FFFFFFFFF
  • <dateTime> := YYYY-MM-DD’T’hh:mm:ss.FFFFFFFFFz zzzz

Retrieve simple grid

session.his_read('S.SERVISYS.Bureau-Christian.ZN~2dT', rng='today').result

Retrieve a Pandas Series

For more details about Pandas : pandas_datastructure

session.his_read_series('S.SERVISYS.Bureau-Christian.ZN~2dT', rng= 'today').result

Retrieve a Pandas Dataframe

In the following example, we will retrive all the historical value from ‘today’ for all zone temperature sensors.

znt = session.find_entity(filter_expr='sensor and zone and temp').result
b = session.his_read_frame(znt, rng= 'today').result

We use find_entity first, then we call his_read_frame over the result.